Country will get outlet of coronavirus in PM Deuba’s tenure-SKF — OSNepal

Country will get outlet of coronavirus in PM Deuba’s tenure-SKF

LC (KTM) July 15, 2021 0

Kathmandu, July 15- The Sushil Koirala Memorial Foundation (SKF) has expressed its confidence that the coronavirus pandemic-hit country would get outlet during the tenure of newly-appointed Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba. Issuing a joint statement on Wednesday, Foundation Chairperson Dr Shashank Koirala, also the general-secretary of the Nepali Congress, and member-secretary Atul Koirala wished the incumbent government for its success in materializing people’s peace, prosperity and well-being.

The Foundation extended its best wishes to the newly-appointed Prime Minster Deuba, also the Nepali Congress President and patron of the Foundation, for his successful tenure. Deuba was appointed the prime minister of the country for fifth time on Tuesday. (RSS)

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