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केन्द्रिय कार्यालय: अनामनगर-२९ , काठमाडौ

OSnepal Inc
3124 Carlson Boulevard, # D,
El Cerrito, CA
+1 (510) 417-9671 is online news media. It is popular among multicultural population around the world. Current issues are the prime concern, registered in USA & Nepal.

Welcome to , We are glad to have been able to come up with a comprehensive and vibrant news portal for all Nepalis across the globe. The news portal incorporates not only breaking Nepali news stories, but also major news flashes across the world in almost real time.

We would be covering all aspects of Nepalese politics, culture, economy, sports, stars and celebrities, gossips and what you love to read, watch and listen to. We are committed to respecting the reader’s right to free, fair and objective information and in doing that we would like to build a lasting partnership with our readers in a systematic and principled way.

While delivering news, views, information and messages of our readers’ choice and interest is our objective, bringing about a positive change in our society is our larger goal. At a time when online journalism and news has been going increasingly popular, we are glad to launch ‘’ among all Nepalis living around the world.

Kesh Bahadur Karki
CEO, Founder at OSnepal Inc