CM Gurung allocates budget for 72 local levels for medical goods in Gandaki Province — OSNepal

CM Gurung allocates budget for 72 local levels for medical goods in Gandaki Province

LC (KTM) May 21, 2021 0

Kaski, May 21 – Gandaki Province Chief Minister Prithivi Gurung has allocated budget for72 local levels in the Province for procurement of medical goods for Covid-19 response. CM Gurung who took charge of the Ministry of Health and Population in the Province on Friday allocated Rs 500,000 for each local level to enable to launch programme against Covid-19 and to procure medical appliances.

With the budget, the local governments could build infrastructures for Covid-19 response and to expand facilities in the Covid-19 treatment centres.CM, after assuming the office, instructed the staffers at the Ministry to ensure that the result of the PCR tests would be provided within 24 hours after sample collection.

He expressed his belief that this would contribute in lessening the infection rate to some extent. The CM and Minister for Health and Population said that further strengthening of the government health facilities in the Province was high on his agendas as the Health and Population Minister. He also viewed that the technicians and frontline workers should be motivated to work efficiently during the time of health crisis like this.

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